Game settles racism dispute with clubs

Game say the LAPD Hollywood Division has threaten club owner and promoter telling them not to have black entertainer and athletes in thier clubs. Game said he has resolve the issue with some of the clubs. Game took to twitter "after having a long & positive meeting today with @mrtoxicdayparty& the@lasfinestonline team...We have privately settled the matter". Game still thinks club in Los Angeles are discriminating against minorities. Game said "Racism is, I guess, still alive," Game said. "The place where they do Toxic, which is Club Lure, is meeting with the LAPD and I guess the LAPD is having these town hall meetings. They don't want minorities again, Blacks, athletes, in their clubs.  "At the end of the day, me and my crew alone spent maybe $250,000 last year in Toxic, just that club," he added. "So, I don't really know what's up, what I'm gonna do about it. I talked to my lawyer yesterday and he was pretty upset about it. He's looking for whoever is issuing that threat".

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