50 Cent is now suing his former business partner for $800k


50 Cent seems to always been involved in a lawsuit though they are usually against him but now it seems he is suing his former business partner for $800 thousand. His former business partners name is Andrew Jameson and he is suing him for falsely representing 50 on the cable channel E!. TMZ is reporting that 50 paid Jameson $270,000 to make some deals on his behalf and when this deal ran its course Jameson went onto E! and tried to get a reality tv show up and running called “The Unit”. The show was said to feature “young white woman” on Jamesons request because it would make the show more sellable which 50 Cent found really offensive. 50 is suing to get back what he lost financially and for damaging his relationship with NBC Universal. Lawyer of Jameson had this to say about 50 "His claims aren't worth 50 cents. In fact, Andrew is the one owed money -- several months of unpaid salary... and he's in arbitration to get it." Keep it locked for any updates on this lawsuit.

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