The Games gives some real advice to Slim Jesus


Nineteen year old white rapper from Hamilton, Ohio, has made waves on social media the last couple weeks because of his music video “Drill Time”. The video features the young rapper waving around guns and pretty much copying everything you see from any new chicago rapper with lyrics to match as well filled with talk of guns and killing with said guns. Now while speaking with Complex the game was asked about what he though about Slim Jesus and he gave him some real advice. "I think that Slim Jesus either really better be fucking killing or he's gonna get his ass smoked, I worry about kids these days rapping about things that they're not really about." Game continues "Sometimes I think it's sad because lives can be lost when playing those games, be careful, Slim Jesus." Those are some wise words for Slim Jesus who even did an interview saying that he doesn’t do anything that he brags about doing in his songs. Check out a Pic of Slim Jesus below.

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