EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: DMX Calls Drake Out For Not Including Missy On Aaliyah’s Upcoming Posthumous Album


DMX is flying high off of the release of his seventh studio album, Undisputed, which was released to the masses on Tuesday, September 11.

In an exclusive interview with AllHipHop.com, DMX goes off on YMCMB rapper Drake for not including the producers that Aaliyah worked with while she was alive on her upcoming posthumous album, which Drake is executive producing alongside producer Noah “40″ Shebib.

“It just show what I said, [Drake's] a f*cking piece of sh*t,” DMX told AllHipHop.com. “Motherf*cker, you didn’t even know this woman; you were in middle school.

“What the f*ck gives you the f*cking right? Allow Aaliyah to live on and not include the people she always worked with, not include the recipe.”

DMX worked with Aaliyah closely on music and in movies and believes that Drake is disrespecting her legacy by not working with the producers that Aaliyah was known to work with.

“It’s like saying, ‘I’m going to make KFC and not using the Colonel recipe.’ That ain’t KFC, n*gga, that’s ‘Your F-C’, your f*cking chicken. That’s some bullsh*t; it ain’t the same sh*t,” DMX continued.

“It’s wrong, honor her legacy, honor what she did. You don’t have no right to make it yours. If you’re going to allow it to live on, do it in a manner that honors what she did. Respectfully.

“I don’t have any say so in it, but at the end of the day, I’m going to voice my opinion, because you can’t f*cking beat me.”

Check out the clip below where DMX voices his disagreement with Drake not consulting Aaliyah’s main producers for her new record:

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WzygXRMc6Q?version=3&rel=1&fs=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&wmode=transparent]

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